This UI component hasn't been finalized yet. The functionality and syntax aren't stable and might be redone in an upcoming release. Only use it at your own risk - breaking changes are likely to occur.
<k-button icon="check">Save</k-button>
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
autofocus |
boolean |
– |
click |
func |
– |
Pass instead of a link URL to be triggered on clicking the button
current |
string |boolean |
– |
Sets the
aria-current attribute. Especially useful in connection with a link attribute. |
disabled |
boolean |
– |
A disabled button will have no pointer events and the opacity is be reduced.
icon |
string |
– |
Adds an icon to the button.
id |
string |number |
– |
link |
string |
– |
If the link attribute is set, the button will automatically be converted to a proper
a tag. |
rel |
string |
– |
responsive |
boolean |
– |
A responsive button will hide the button text on smaller screens automatically and only keep the icon. An icon must be set in this case.
role |
string |
– |
tabindex |
string |
– |
target |
string |
– |
In connection with the
link attribute, you can also set the target of the link. This does not apply to regular buttons. |
text |
string |number |
– |
Use either the default slot or this prop for the button text
theme |
string positive, negative |
– |
With the theme you can control the general design of the button.
tooltip |
string |
– |
The tooltip attribute can be used to add additional text to the button, which is shown on mouseover (with the
title attribute). |
type |
string button, submit, reset |
"button" |
The type attribute sets the button type like in HTML.
Slot | Description |
default |
You can bind any typical button event to this component.
Text Button
Text + Icon
<k-button icon="check">Save</k-button>
Icon only
<k-button icon="check" alt="Save" />
<k-button theme="positive">Save</k-button>
<k-button theme="negative">Delete</k-button>
CSS classes