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Kirby 3.6.6


Options for the Markdown parser

Check out the full list of the available Markdown tags.

Additional tags: markdown.extra

Enables/disables the Markdown Extra parser with additional Markdown features like footnotes and tables.

return [
  'markdown' => [
    'extra' => true

Automatic line breaks: markdown.breaks

Enables/disables automatic line breaks in Markdown like on GitHub. Otherwise line breaks must be confirmed with three spaces at the end of the line.

Default: true

return [
  'markdown' => [
    'breaks' => false

Safe mode:

Enables/disables Parsedown's safe mode which applies sanitisation to scripting vectors (such as scripting link destinations) that are introduced by the markdown syntax itself.

Default: false

return [
  'markdown' => [
    'safe' => true