return [
'kirbytext' => [
'email' => [
'class' => 'email',
'rel' => 'nofollow',
'target' => '_blank',
'text' => 'Write Us',
'title' => 'Email'
Attribute |
Description |
Default |
class |
The default class which is added to email link |
null |
rel |
The default rel attribute that is added to email link |
null |
target |
The default target attribute that is added to email link |
null |
text |
The default text that is added to email link |
null |
title |
The default title attribute that is added to email link |
null |
return [
'kirbytext' => [
'file' => [
'class' => 'file',
'download' => true,
'rel' => 'nofollow',
'target' => '_blank',
'text' => 'Download',
'title' => 'Filename'
Attribute |
Description |
Default |
class |
The default class which is added to file link |
null |
download |
The default download attribute that is added to file link |
true |
rel |
The default rel attribute that is added to file link |
null |
target |
The default target attribute that is added to file link |
null |
text |
The default text that is added to file link |
null |
title |
The default title attribute that is added to file link |
null |
return [
'kirbytext' => [
'gist' => [
'file' => 'targetblank.js',
Attribute |
Description |
Default |
file |
Load a specific file as default |
null |
return [
'kirbytext' => [
'image' => [
'alt' => 'This is an awesome picture',
'caption' => 'I took this image in the park',
'class' => 'floated',
'height' => 600,
'imgclass' => 'myimage',
'linkclass' => 'myimage',
'rel' => 'gallery',
'target' => '_blank',
'title' => 'This is an awesome picture ',
'width' => 800,
Attribute |
Description |
Default |
alt |
The default alt attribute that is added to img element |
null |
caption |
The default caption |
null |
class |
The default class which is added to figure element |
null |
height |
The default height which is added to img element |
null |
imgclass |
The default class which is added to img element |
null |
linkclass |
The default class which is added to link element |
null |
rel |
The default rel attribute that is added to link element |
null |
target |
The default target attribute that is added to link element |
null |
title |
The default title attribute that is added to img element |
null |
width |
The default height which is added to img element |
null |
return [
'kirbytext' => [
'link' => [
'class' => 'mylink',
'lang' => 'de',
'rel' => 'nofollow',
'role' => 'button',
'target' => '_blank',
'title' => 'Wikipedia',
'text' => 'Wikipedia',
Attribute |
Description |
Default |
class |
The default class which is added to link element |
null |
lang |
The default language for link to a page in another language (only on multi-language sites) |
null |
rel |
The default rel attribute that is added to link element |
null |
role |
The default role attribute that is added to link element |
null |
target |
The default target attribute that is added to link element |
null |
title |
The default title attribute that is added to link element |
null |
text |
The default text that is added to link element |
null |
return [
'kirbytext' => [
'tel' => [
'class' => 'phone',
'rel' => 'nofollow',
'text' => 'call us',
'title' => 'This is my phone number',
Attribute |
Description |
Default |
class |
The default class which is added to link element |
null |
rel |
The default rel attribute that is added to link element |
null |
title |
The default title attribute that is added to link element |
null |
text |
The default text that is added to link element |
null |
return [
'kirbytext' => [
'twitter' => [
'class' => 'twitter',
'rel' => 'nofollow',
'target' => '_blank',
'text' => 'follow us on Twitter',
'title' => 'follow us on Twitter',
Attribute |
Description |
Default |
class |
The default class which is added to link element |
null |
rel |
The default rel attribute that is added to link element |
null |
target |
The default target attribute that is added to link element |
null |
title |
The default title attribute that is added to link element |
null |
text |
The default text that is added to link element |
null |
return [
'kirbytext' => [
'video' => [
'autoplay' => true,
'caption' => 'This is a really nice video',
'controls' => true,
'class' => 'video',
'height' => 200,
'loop' => true,
'muted' => true,
'poster' => 'cover.jpg',
'preload' => 'auto',
'style' => 'border: 3px solid red;'
'width' => 300,
'options' => [
'youtube' => [
'controls' => 0
Attribute |
Description |
Default |
autoplay |
The default autoplay which is added to video element (only for local and remote videos) |
false |
caption |
The default caption |
null |
controls |
The default controls which is added to video element (only for local and remote videos) |
true |
class |
The default class which is added to iframe and video elements |
video |
height |
The default height that is added to iframe and video elements |
null |
loop |
The default loop which is added to video element (only for local and remote videos) |
true |
muted |
The default muted which is added to video element (only for local and remote videos) |
true |
poster |
The default poster attribute specifies an image to be shown while the video is downloading (only for local and remote videos) |
true |
preload |
The default option that the video should be loaded when the page loads (only for local and remote videos) |
null |
style |
The default style that is added to iframe and video elements |
null |
width |
The default width that is added to iframe and video elements |
null |
options |
The default options for video providers |
[] |